Can U explain the subscription service of XM Radio?
(too old to reply)
2008-07-27 19:10:51 UTC
Can anyone explain how my new Honda with a free XM Radio knows when my
free 3 month trial is up? I assume they have some large computer or
onboard computer that is able to determine when I bought the auto and
it has an internal clock that is counting down from 90 days of being
turned on? If I choose NOT to pay after the 90 days (in Canada) it
will just cease functioning. My next decision is why sign up for
service in Canada rather than the USA when we spend 5 months in the
USA over the winter. Just curious.

xm Radio USA = USD$12.95 for over 170 channels plus a one-time
activation fee of $??
XM Radio Can = CDN$14.99 for over 130 channels plus an activation fee
($14.99 online)
YKW (ad hoc)
2008-07-28 00:00:14 UTC
Post by Doug6388
Can anyone explain how my new Honda with a free XM Radio knows when my
free 3 month trial is up? I assume they have some large computer or
onboard computer that is able to determine when I bought the auto and
it has an internal clock that is counting down from 90 days of being
turned on? If I choose NOT to pay after the 90 days (in Canada) it
will just cease functioning. My next decision is why sign up for
service in Canada rather than the USA when we spend 5 months in the
USA over the winter. Just curious.
xm Radio USA = USD$12.95 for over 170 channels plus a one-time
activation fee of $??
XM Radio Can = CDN$14.99 for over 130 channels plus an activation fee
($14.99 online)
If you choose not to pay, a signal will be sent out over the sats and the
repeater network (repeatedly over several weeks, so you won't miss it
just by leaving the radio off for a few days) that will deauthorize the
radio. It will, as you say, just cease functioning.

If you want to reauthorize it with a US subscription, a US mailing
address (presumably, where you snowbird) and US-issued credit/debit card
(or XM gift cards) should be all you need to establish a US account.

There =may= be some issue with terrestrial repeaters on Canadian soil not
carrying US-only channels (though I doubt it), but satellite reception up
north should be exactly the same as it is in the lower 48.
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