XM To Censor O&A
(too old to reply)
Kimba W. Lion
2007-06-12 16:58:19 UTC
From www.dcrtv.com :

"A DCRTV source tells us that DC's XM Satellite Radio is planning to implement
a three-second delay in Opie and Anthony's subscription show when the duo
returns following a month-long suspension this month. We're told: 'That way if
they go into a rant about a particular subject that XM may find overly
offensive, (XM management) can dump it. F-bombs, live sex, and the like will
still be allowed, but no more rants regarding political leaders.'

"O&A got yanked in May after a guest made sexual remarks about Secretary Of
State Condi Rice and other prominent women. The NYC-based morning radio pair's
free CBS Radio show, heard locally on WJFK-FM, was unaffected by XM's yanking.

"XM is currently seeking approval on Capitol Hill for a proposed merger with
rival Sirius....."

My comment: The only place on XM's site I could find "uncensored" used in
relationship with O&A was in a news release from 2006. I guess they should
pull that one off their site.
Jack S
2007-06-12 18:28:44 UTC
Why not just replace them with a show that's funny?
Kimba W. Lion
2007-06-13 14:39:23 UTC
Post by Jack S
Why not just replace them with a show that's funny?
I agree; I wouldn't listen to O&A if you paid me. What fascinates me about
this is XM's conception of "uncensored" and their apparent kissing up to
the current administration as they try to get government approval for
their monopoly-producing merger.

The Washington Times today contains a denial from XM about the delay
Bill Kearney
2007-08-30 13:43:18 UTC
Post by Jack S
Why not just replace them with a show that's funny?
Yeah, really. They're just idiots. But apparently they've a following of
like-minded idiots.
